

We're still getting together last minute items. I've got a small art kit consisting of gouache of which there are 12 colors, a 6" x 9" sketchbook, a pocket sketchbook, various pencils, brushes, erasers and I'm debating on taking a nicer little sketchbook of this variety.

Not sure yet as I want to pack light. Part of the problem with going on vacation is the travel time. I'll have a bunch of time on my hands and I'm thinking I could do some recreational sketching in the aforementioned book, and then journal sketching/thumbnails for a upcoming book in my pocket sketchbook. But there are far more pressing matters to attend to as the time ticks away.

Oh yeah, and if you didn't know...we're going to THAILAND.


1 comment:

Joe Kresoja said...

Have fun and be safe you two. =)